Wish to learn about the process? Here is the place to start. If your question isn't answered here send me an email to get it featured.

Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
My goal is to offer a convenient custom suit buying process to whoever wishes to try it, no matter where they are located. If you can order a refrigerator or plasma TV from your couch, there’s no reason you should have to visit a shop to get an amazingly fitted suit. I have also found that there are some of you who wish to work with me but are not able to because you don't reside in Washington DC. No problem. Kabba Custom serves to solve that dilemma.
After you place an order from one of our available collections you can then get your measurements expertly taken by me in person or over video chat. And finally, your garments are delivered to your door so that you may enjoy your sweet custom-made suit.
It can vary from here based on if I'm in a busy season or the general availability of the fabric. I will leave any abnormal time expectations within the suit notes.
Basically, we do your measurements together. I send them to my contractor in Shenzhen who will create a body blueprint of your figure, cut the garment pieces as well as doing some piecing together with temporary basting stitches. From there they send the pieces back to me, where my seamstress and I perform a quality check, finalize sewing and approve a finished garment for you. I am trained in sewing (about 18 years of garment construction and sample sewing experience) as is my seamstress, even more so than me (32 years of experience in sewing, alteration, sample cutting and sewing as well as classic training in pattern drafting). I take quality very seriously as do our contractors. They do great work and they’re really dope.
I will say this: people contract in China, this is fact. I assure you other clothiers are contracting there as well; they’re usually just not as upfront about it nor do the people doing your appointments within my competitors have the combined sewing experience of my team... Yes, even if they praise their "European craftsmanship", I assure you that their production (perhaps unbeknownst to them) are subcontracting part or all of the construction in China. This is the big, dirty secret everyone tries to glaze over as anything coming from China holds extremely negative connotations. Like everywhere there are good contractors and there are bad ones. I do eventually wish to open a US production house, but I’m a long way from that so in the meantime I will be upfront and allow you to make the decision for yourself. But I stand by my statement, my contractors do good work and they’re dope AF.
Linings, notions and trims are usually provided by production, but the fabrics I use in heritage collection are going to range from super 110’s to super 130’s. They’re purchased at tradeshows and/or could be fabric I’ve sourced myself domestically and send to production for cutting. However my sourcing of fabric is its own topic.
I then buy from production at retail price, or wholesale if it's a remnant piece. I also buy my own fabrics domestically for my collections from LA, NYC or other US cities I happen to be visiting. I purchase those fabrics in small batches this is why they're limited quantity.
Seamstresses (and I cannot stress this enough) are a godsend. They can take a suit from potato sack and transform into something straight off a Paris runway. Spend some time and locate a quality one in your area, this is highly recommended for a few reasons.
1. You'll be able to have better fitting clothes. Period.
2. Your first suit will almost definitely require alterations, you’re going to need a seamstress to do them.
3. They can help with measuring and assisting me in making sure you get the best fit possible if I'm not able to be there in person.
Look on Google or Yelp! keyword "alterations" and read some reviews then do the leg work and visit some you think might be good. Take articles of clothing you aren't too attached to just in case they ruin it (which is definitely a possibility) and have them perform adjustments like making them slimmer or fit better in areas of concern. I recommend taking old jackets, dress pants, dress shirts etc. Anything that will closely reflect what you planned to buy from me. Once you get the items back review for the quality of fit and the quality of alteration, it should be a snug comfortable fit but definitely not tight, if too loose but alteration quality is good have them take in further. If the article of clothing looks like it wasn't touched but it fits perfectly that's the sign of a good alteration.
If the fit or quality of alterations are bad then see if they can fix it. If not then move on to the next seamstress and repeat the process. I promise you this is well worth it as once you do find the seamstress that works out s/he will change your life. Pay them well and DEFINITELY TIP THAT LADY OR GENTLEMAN! Sewing is agonizing and extremely tiring, they deserve it.
I absolutely could not do this without my seamstress. The day she quits is the day I do too. (Yes, really.)
Remote Orders (COVID-19)
This is a good option for people who wish to purchase a suit, but are not comfortable with meeting in person. This is also a great option for individuals who are outside of the Washington D.C Metro area. I have done remote measuring for grooms and groomsmen parties, and all clients have been satisfied. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I could only service clients that had proximity to me. However, these types of orders showed me that it is completely possible to get a fully custom made suit, no matter where in the country our clients live.
The only thing our customers would need is a partner, parent, sibling, neighbor, or friend available for a visit. My job will be to guide them on how to accurately measure you. This can take place over Zoom, FaceTime, or any other Video chat platform. After collecting the customer’s measurements, I will then create the suit and ship it via UPS or FedEx.
From there, you can take the suit to your local tailor for alterations, or you can ship them back to me and we’ll complete them. I will then update your measurements, so that future items will come pre-alterated and won’t require any adjustments.
The Asks
I don’t like selling shirts, a few reasons for this include but aren’t limited to... the returns are pretty low when compared to me selling you a suit, I love giving gifts and complete outfits are easier for you guys to integrate within the rest of the wardrobe. This leads us to The Asks, these are simple things I will ask of you to assist me in growing my brand. Upon completion of these asks you will be eligible to get a free shirt with every suit purchase forever.
(Currently there is only 1 Ask)
1. The shirts or any gifted item will not be eligible for the free 30-day alteration warranty.
2. It will typically be the featured shirt that was photographed with the suit. You can request a different shirt of course but the final decision is mine.
3. The 4 Asks can change, I will typically make an announcement on social media and via email when a change is made so you can stay updated. Or you can check back here and view them anytime.
See, that’s not so bad right?
The Asks
1.Follow whichever (or all) social media account(s) you feel will be easiest for you to consume/review launch photo-shoots and artistic content.
Suit Questions
Think dark navy, mod (London) blue, charcoal, medium grey, black tuxedo etc...These suits are always available and can be purchased by anyone at anytime. If you need a standard go to dark navy for your interview, I got you. Perhaps a charcoal suit for a funeral but a few clicks away. How about an earth tone or seersucker for a kentucky derby weekend? I sure can. And you can order them anytime
In the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve found my clients tend to play it really safe as they’re afraid of spending money on a suit that they might not like. That’s unfortunate as the best style is created when boundaries are pushed and oftentimes when you guys see it in person, you actually love it. So Kabba Privé is going to represent all the suits I just feel like making that you guys are too afraid to. The swatches will be photographed along with the finished suit on a mannequin and a real person styled head to toe by me, or a guest stylist—so you guys can see exactly what the finished product will look like.
Privé suits are limited quantity. I’ll decide how many I wish to make, and once they all sell they’re gone, I won’t be making more. I will however be moving on to the next design so its first come first serve.
Remember I'm often times going to personally source the fabrics, and I can't afford to store or purchase thousands and thousands of yards. Plus if the suit is really special, I may only want to make a few of them so everyone doesn't have the same suit. But ultimately once they’re gone, they’re gone. Unless there's mass demand for it or something. I may in the future set up a way for you guys to request I bring back some Privé styles. We’ll see.
Just because I made a Prive version does not mean I own the rights to that fabric. Any person or shop can buy these textiles guys. Until I own my own fabric mill or unless I’m literally sourcing a one of a kind fabric, yes you may see your Privé suit elsewhere. Unless they're a Kabba Custom client I didn’t make it nor will it fit nearly as well as the one I made for you. Please govern yourselves accordingly.
Re-Cutting Services
Think alterations but instead the garment is taken apart, the seam allowances (interior fabric) is trimmed down and resized then put back together again in sequence. End result is the item fits you much better than when you initially bought it.
The more areas that need to be touched the higher the price. However suits generally range from simple alterations $75 - $90 to an entire head to toe resizing $350 - $500+. Id recommend doing this for quality garments that still have plenty of life but just fit poorly. This is because you'll find yourself wearing it more often now that it fits the way it's supposed to.
So I've been doing this long enough that something along those lines happening is a pretty rare occurrence. But on the off chance something of yours goes through issues we can do a few things.
Doesn't fit? We'll re-adjust it at no additional cost.
Is lost or irreparably damaged? We'll replace the item. (Note this may cause me to turn away items that are delicate or extremely sentimental to you...It's just a lot of pressure Lol)
I have a pretty good eye for this when it comes to deciding if something should be altered or replaced so if I turn away your alterations please heed my advice as its to save you a potential headache as I don't think the garment once finished will be to your satisfaction.
*DISCLAIMER* Modification style requests may be denied for any reason, I'll typically give a reason though, I’m not an asshole.
I love getting my Hannibal on w/ quid pro quo situations. Referrals are the easiest way to get free garments from me. If you send me 4 suit referrals I will make you a heritage suit in any of the 4 core colors for free. Or you can apply that credit towards any other suit. If one client buys 4 suits or 4 clients buy one suit each you've hit your quota. Make sure they name drop you.
Alterations, Refunds & Returns
If we take accurate measurements the clothing item(s) should fit very well. However, on the off chance it fits like ass I can take a look and decide if the garments(s) are alterable or if we need to do a remake. I will provide a stipend for minor alterations or cover remake costs if the item is completely off Generally $75 for suits & $25 for shirts. Alterations are typically minor (hem adjustments, or slim tapering).
I have a general rule of thumb: I never alter something more than 15% - 20% of its original fit. Once you go past that 15% - 20% threshold weird shit starts to happen; pockets disappear, seams get twisted, things stop laying flat, etc... If it needs major alterations it would be simpler to just remake the item.
A portion of the fabric and labor costs that were paid to my seamstress from this purchase won't be refunded to you totaling roughly 25% of your sale. If you request a refund after we do the remake that 25% goes to 45% to cover a portion of the cost of the remake garment. I ultimately see it like this: we tried and it didn't work out. You give a bit, I cover the difference and we both walk away, but you still get the majority of your money back. Once an order is processed, a full refund will not be given under any circumstance. I typically process orders within 24 hours of confirming payment.
For Models, Creatives & Brands
(Due to the high volume of interest I will only be responding to parties I am interested in working with at this time, please dont spam me.)
Kabba Custom is always looking to collaborate with men and sometimes women who are professional models. Bookings will consist of wearing Kabba Custom products so you must be available for...
1. An initial consult/measuring.
2. At least x2 fittings and 1 final fitting.
3. The day of the shoot (roughly 2-3 hours).
In exchange for modeling services, you will be allowed to keep your Kabba Custom tailored products and be paid $200. If you require compensation beyond this please include rates or any applicable notes within your message.
**Your message must include a portfolio of your work that showcases your range and experience as well as a link to your social media profiles. If these items are not attached you will not be considered..
If you're a creative and think us working together would be a good fit, I want to hear from you! Photographers, videographers, illustrators, graphic designers, screen printers, etc. feel free to reach out. Include a website and some sample work or content you've created.
I immensely value my close relationship with brands who have allowed me the honor of featuring their items in my photoshoots and I am always open to cultivating new connections. If you're a brand colleague who wishes to work together please get in touch :)